Wednesday, May 6, 2009

In Case You're Wondering Where I'll Be On Wednesday, May 13th 2009 at 5:30pm....

I'll be headbangin' and mosh-pitting at Nashville Birth Network's Your Best Birth Event!


Vanderbilt School of Nursing and 9 Months & Beyond, LLC invite the community to a FREE evening event featuring:

Live Webcast Q & A with Ricki Lake and Abbi Epstein, producers of the groundbreaking documentary The Business of Being Born and authors of the new book Your Best Birth.

Where do we go from here? A panel featuring local experts in childbirth and healthy pregnancy including doctors, midwives, childbirth educators, doulas and childbearing parents. Come with your comments and questions and be a part of the conversation!

A non-profit resource fair - Tables with information on how you can get support for things like a healthy and holisitic pregnancy, breastfeeding, Cesearean avoidance and support, choices in childbirth and more.

And best of all, we will have the brand spankin’ new book, YOUR BEST BIRTH available for purchase. All profits will go to support the local chapter of Birth Network National - The Nashville Birth Network. Purchase a book for your own personal library, to give to your local library or give to a pregnant woman you love!

The mission of the Nashville Birth Network is to promote the awareness and availability of Mother-friendly maternity care.

Doors open at 5:30pm
Live Nationwide Webcast featuring YOUR questions begins at 6pm
Followed by panel of Local Childbirth Experts and Non-profit support group resource fair. Come learn about groups like ICAN, Holistic Moms, the Nashville Birth Network, La Leche League, Tennessee Midwives association and more!

Location: Vanderbilt School of Nursing Annex Room 155
For more information please email or call 1-877-365-6262.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May I Help You?

Clearly, John and I are sources of endless amusement for Jack. Here he is making fun of us. (Or, "modeling," as it's called in Waldorf circles.) This is his first (okay, second--Dad had to run get the camera) faux-phone conversation. His comb never runs out of minutes and never needs charging. He's a practical guy.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Your Best Birth

It's a book! 

Congratulations to Abby Epstein and Ricki Lake for the birth of their new book, Your Best Birth: Know All Your Options, Discover the Natural Choices, and Take Back the Birth Experience. I got my copy on Saturday, and I finished it last night. 

It's officially my new favorite book to recommend to expectant parents. The information is extremely accessible, it's dead-honest, and it is conversational enough to not be preachy. The birth stories of Cindy Crawford, Laila Ali, Melissa Joan Hart, and others are added bonuses. There are many, many mentions of Ina May Gaskin, which is great to see because she is full of knowledge that the world needs to know. 

Now...on to book club plans for the Nashville Birth Network. This will be our first selection!

p.s.--Check out the Facebook-ish site that Abby and Ricki created created for mothers, birth professionals, birth junkies, etc., and go ahead and join My Best Birth if you're so inclined. I'm loving it!