There is a book called 11:11 by Solara, and it came into my life in 2006. This was several years after I found myself looking at clocks at 11:11 or 1:11, or seeing this combination elsewhere, like on receipts, or in the titles of the songs by Gregory Abbott and Rufus Wainwright. Imagine how my heart raced when I saw 11:11 printed on this book's unassuming white spine! Solara claims that there's a meaning behind these numbers: when we see them, angels are trying to get our attention.
That's why I'm designating today, 1/11, the Day of Angels. The same with 11/11. Surely angels can have more than one day our calendars.
This is starting to feel like an auspicious day to begin a blog that I've been wanting to birth for a long time. Unlike babies, blogs can remain in the womb for an unlimited amount of time. I've been laboring hours today, and I'm exhausted already. No wonder I've been reluctant. But it was all worth it once I saw my blog's homepage.
Here's the deal: I approach life with both humor and reverence, and I'll bring both states of consciousness to my musings. I'm on a journey, just like everyone else. I'm a forever teacher and a forever student, and I don't claim to be an authority on anything. What I do aim to do is be conscious of whatever I'm doing, and to be flexible and spontaneous. Structure is not my strong point, but some darn good things have come out of my ability to follow alternate paths. not to mention my realization that there's good stuff hidden behind trees and down in little froggy holes. It's seeing the fortune hidden in these little places that's key, and it comes naturally for me most of the time. I see syncronicity and I don't dismiss it, no matter how goofy it may feel. I've become comfortable with feeling goofy. That's a skill in itself. (Though I'll leave it off my CV, just for now.)
Holistic pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and parenting are my passions. I'm well on my way to becoming a childbirth and postpartum doula, as well as a Birthing From Within mentor. You will get to see this journey unfold. I'm combining these skills with my certification as a neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and hypnotherapy practitioner. Add my zeal for writing short stories and my thesis-pending Master of the Arts in English, and I'm a veritable powerhouse. Something cool's about to happen. Something cool is happening.
Welcome to my fun little world. Happy birthday, blog: you're a Capricorn.