Sunday, March 29, 2009

Rocker Dude

Jack totally looks like Butthead with his arm in the air, making the awesome-est headbanger face he can muster. This is his new thing.

There was, however, no music playing at the time of this photograph.

My Jack-Jack hears music in his head, just like I do. And he has a band in his mouth, just like me! I'll explain: it's like beat-boxing, but with your mouth closed. You swish your spit around, and pry your tongue away from the roof of your mouth with a force of air, all to some sort of rhythm. When I was a kid, I was amazed that I had found a band in my mouth. I wondered if anyone else had one. I only told someone about this a few years ago, but until then, it was my secret. Shhhh...I'm telling you this in confidence.

Well, I heard the tiny music of Jack's mouth-band a couple of weeks ago. He has "the gift." Not only that, but he'll rock out to anything. The solemn music on anti-depressant medication commercials is the best. He even rocks to Dan Fogelberg and Faron Young.

Yep. That's my boy!